192.com has been around a while, but August 07 saw them 're-launch' after a deal with Ordnance Survey saw their entire database of street maps republished. The PR also included that its mapping service included aerial photography of almost all of the UK in fine detail - allowing you to pick out detail as small as garden furniure.
Well, Google's picture of our house is a couple of years old, and we have done a lot of work on our garden, so off I went to find 192's picture of our garden furniture. And here it is:
Or rather, here is a picture of the foundations of our house on the building site that was our estate around four years ago. Now, given that I know this is years out of date am I likely to use 192.com to look at anywhere I have never visited before? Would I confidently book a hotel based on its surroundings in a 192.com picture? Erm no. Have I bookmarked 192.com? No. Have 192.com wasted a lot of money marketing a product that does not live up to its own hype?
You decide.