In chapter 9 of my book
I address the importance of feedback for hotels. Well, after a trip to
Malaysia on business I have had a couple of emails [in a week] from the
Hilton hotel group asking for feedback. When I clicked on the second I
got this ...
Ten minutes? Take
this as a lesson on how to put people off filling in feedback forms. In the
interest of research, I did complete the form - well, nearly. All questions were
on a Likert scale and many could be tracked to individual staff or their
responsibilities and I was unwilling to give poor marks where a member of staff
might be criticised for performance when I do not know the full circumstances
[eg was the cleaner given sufficient time to do an excellent job of cleaning the
room?]. However, I gave up when the form asked me to rate the hotel I had stayed
in previously [a competitor]. Why not have just half a dozen questions on one
page with a comments box? I bet they'd get a lot more completed forms, even if
there was less data. And that data would be qualitative and not simply