Some of Alan's views on this digital marketing malarkey ... there's more on:

Friday, December 30, 2016

Email: timeliness is next to ticketless

I received this email on Friday December 30th – the day of the featured match – at nearly half past two.

Note how the message mentions; ‘ ... tomorrow night’.

And it gets worse. Open that message and it tells you that if you want a ticket, you have up til midday to get one. That would be two and a half hours before the message was sent.

Fortunately, I already had my ticket:-)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Put a little more heart into this advertising

I have a reasonably healthy lifestyle and so I’m not really the target for health campaigns – but on the BBC this morning there was a piece from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) that mentioned an app to track how far you walk each day. Well, I walk quite a lot and have thought of such an app many times, so this was a prompt to check out the BHF’s.

So I typed “walking app” into Google – and top of the adverts was one for the BHF walking app. Its header said ‘free walking app’, so-far-so-good for BHF’s digital marketers.

But when I clicked on the link [for which the BHF will have to pay] I got this ...

 Oh dear; hero to zero in one click.